Implementing Navigation in A-Frame

Learn to implement smooth movement, teleportation, and versatile control systems for enhanced user interaction and immersion in virtual environments.

VR locomotion refers to how users move and navigate a virtual environment. In other words, it’s the technology and techniques used to simulate movement in a virtual space, including walking, running, jumping, flying, and even teleporting.

Locomotion is significant in VR because it’s crucial in creating a sense of immersion and presence within the virtual environment. It allows users to explore and interact with virtual worlds in a natural and intuitive way, which can enhance the overall experience and make it more engaging and compelling.

Press + to interact
VR locomotion
VR locomotion

However, VR locomotion can also present challenges and limitations, such as motion sickness, disorientation, and difficulty navigating complex environments. As a result, VR developers have been working to develop new and innovative locomotion techniques that address these issues and provide users with a more seamless and comfortable experience.

Smooth locomotion

So far, in our A-Frame experiences, we’ve moved around in the scene using the WASD keyboard keys and the mouse. This movement is known as smooth locomotion. We see the scene from the camera’s perspective, so we can think of the camera as the player. Two main components are attached to the <a-camera> primitive, enabling smooth locomotion:

  • look-controls

  • wasd-controls

The look-controls component

The look-controls component rotates the entity it is attached to when we rotate a VR camera, move the mouse, or touch-drag the touchscreen.

Let’s create a camera rig that will serve as the parent entity of the camera. We’ll apply all our transformations on the camera rig rather than the camera itself. We can think of the rig as the gimbalA device for keeping an instrument, such as a compass or chronometer, horizontal in a moving vessel or aircraft, typically consisting of rings pivoted at right angles., so when we move the gimbal, we’re indirectly moving the camera. This approach is useful for understanding locomotion and creating immersive experiences because it allows us to implement consistent and expected movement patterns for the user’s viewpoint while maintaining control over the camera’s behavior.

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position="0 1.6 0"
position="0 0 0">

So far, we’ve clicked and dragged the mouse in order to explore the A-Frame scene. We can modify the look-controls component to create a first-person shooter game-type player where we don’t have to click and drag. We can do this by setting the pointerLockEnabled flag to true, as shown in this example:

We noticed that we were not able to move around using the WASD keys. We’ll learn about this next.

The wasd-controls component

The wasd-controls component controls an entity with the WASD or arrow keyboard keys. The wasd-controls component is commonly attached to the camera.

  • This component is responsible for the acceleration attribute of the wasd-controls component. The default value of the acceleration is 65.

  • It allows to modify the fly attribute for the flying movement, which means the player can move beyond their initial plane. You can experiment with this by pointing the camera toward the sky and then pressing the “W” key.

In the example above, we attach the wasd-controls component to the camera entity with an acceleration of 10 and the fly attribute set to true.

The movement-controls component

So far, our input modality on the web has consisted of the keyboard and mouse to move around in the virtual scene. But what if we extend locomotion to other modalities, such as touchpad, gamepad, or hand controllers? For this functionality, we have the movement-controls component. We add the component using the following <script> tag to import the aframe-extras.js file:

Press + to interact
<script src=""></script>

The movement-controls component provides several modes: walk, fly, and teleport. In the following example, we demonstrate the default locomotion behavior after we include the look-controls component in the cameraRig entity. We’ve set the pointerLockEnabled attribute to true.

In the example“Low Poly Forest - 3D Model by MikeW (@Wta).” 2017. April 3, 2017. above, we load a forest model and attach the movement-controls component to the camera rig. It’s crucial to see that we’ve not attached any components to the camera entity. The movement-controls component has configured the input medium itself, and we can move around in the scene using the WASD keys.


Lastly, we’ll cover teleportation as part of our locomotion lesson. Teleportation is a popular technique for enabling user movement in VR. It allows users to quickly and easily move from one location to another within the virtual environment. In A-Frame, we can use the cursor-teleport component to enable teleportation. Include the following <script> tag to import the aframe-cursor-teleport-component.min.js file:

Press + to interact
<script src=""></script>

In this example, we attach the cursor-teleport component to the cameraRig entity. We set the cameraRig property of the component to the #cameraRig entity and the cameraHead property to the #head entity. This configuration allows the user to teleport around the virtual environment by pointing their cursor and clicking on the desired space.

We also define entities in the scene with two classes: collision and ignore. The collision class entity is where the cursor teleport function will occur. We do this by specifying the collisionEntities property to .collision. Similarly, we set the ignoreEntities property on the cursor-teleport component to .ignore to ignore teleportation on the objects with this class.

That is it for locomotion. Fighter guy credits: SketchFab“Corporate Sectory Authority Espos Soldier - Download Free 3D Model by JCarpenter_48 (@Jcarpenter48).” 2020. May 8, 2020.


In this lesson, we saw a variety of different locomotion techniques, such as smooth artificial locomotion and teleportation. Overall, locomotion is a crucial aspect of the VR experience because it enables users to explore and interact with virtual environments in a way that feels natural and immersive.