Home>Courses>Develop an E-Commerce App Using Java, Spring Boot and Vue.js


108h 13min

Certificate of Completion

Develop an E-Commerce App Using Java, Spring Boot and Vue.js

Gain insights into building a full-stack e-commerce app using Java, Spring Boot, and Vue.js. Delve into secure user profiles, inventory management, and the Stripe payment integration for online businesses.
Gain insights into building a full-stack e-commerce app using Java, Spring Boot, and Vue.js. Delve into secure user profiles, inventory management, and the Stripe payment integration for online businesses.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

52 Lessons
50 Playgrounds
6 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

Every business is moving online. Building customer-facing e-commerce solutions requires full-stack development, involving a backend to handle users, inventory, and payments, and a frontend for customers. In this course, you’ll build a full-stack e-commerce application from scratch. We will use Java and the Spring Boot environment to create a robust backend supporting payments with the Stripe API. The backend will have an inventory administration panel, support secure user profiles, and checkout. For the f...Show More
Every business is moving online. Building customer-facing e-commerce solutions requires full-stack development, involving a back...Show More



Web Development

Full Stack Development



What You'll Learn

How to Design APIs
Integrate with 3rd party libraries like Stripe
Build Front end using modern JS framework Vue
Develop back-end features and support
How to Design APIs

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Course Content


Introduction and Project Setup

4 Lessons

Get familiar with setting up an e-commerce app using Java, Spring Boot, and Vue.js.


Displaying the Products and Categories For Customers

3 Lessons

Apply your skills to create dynamic home and product detail pages for an e-commerce app.


Sign-Up and Login Backend

5 Lessons

Take a closer look at integrating MySQL, managing user sign-ups, and handling authentication in Java.


Sign-Up and Login Frontend

3 Lessons

Tackle creating sign-up, sign-in, and sign-out functionalities to manage user authentication.


Wishlist and Cart Feature: Backend

5 Lessons

Master the steps to implement wishlist and cart features with APIs and exception handling.


Wishlist and Cart Feature: Frontend

5 Lessons

Step through implementing wishlist and cart features in an e-commerce app.


Stripe Integration

4 Lessons

Get started with Stripe Checkout for back-end, front-end, and session API integration.


Order History: Backend

4 Lessons

Work your way through saving orders, fetching order history, and handling order validation.


Order History: Frontend

4 Lessons

Break down the steps to saving and displaying orders plus handling order details.



1 Lessons

Dig deeper into refining skills in e-commerce app development using Java, Spring Boot, and Vue.js.

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Adaptive Learning

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