Grokking the Technical Writing Process

Grokking the Technical Writing Process

This course explains the technical writing process and helps you write confidently and clearly.


34 Lessons


Certificate of Completion

This course explains the technical writing process and helps you write confidently and clearly.





This course includes

1 Assessment
33 Quizzes

This course includes

1 Assessment
33 Quizzes

Course Overview

The ability to structure your thoughts and write in a way that is both compelling and easy to follow is an essential skill in your corporate journey. Good writing can help you project a positive image and convince people. This course starts by introducing you to technical writing how it differs from the other forms of writing, and the importance of understanding your audience. You’ll learn how to write meaningful and easy-to-follow sentences and bring these sentences together to create coherent paragraphs....Show More

What You'll Learn

An understanding of different types of writing and their characteristics and requirements

The ability to research a topic, structure an outline, and review, revise, and edit

The ability to write clear sentences and coherent paragraphs that create an impact

An in-depth understanding of different parts of speech and punctuation marks to improve your written communication

What You'll Learn

An understanding of different types of writing and their characteristics and requirements

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Course Content


Introduction to Technical Writing

This chapter introduces technical writing, outlining its importance, characteristics, and applications and distinguishing it from business writing.

How to Get Started

This chapter emphasizes audience awareness and outlining techniques, providing examples of bug reports, root cause analysis, one-pagers, and technical articles.

How to Use Common Punctuation Correctly

This chapter covers key punctuation marks like commas, colons, and semicolons and end punctuation like periods, question marks, exclamations, and interrobang.

How to Write a Good Sentence

This chapter focuses on sentence types and construction, writing best practices, and common writing pitfalls to avoid for clarity and readability.

How to Write a Good Paragraph

This chapter focuses on structuring paragraphs for clarity, using audience awareness to maximize impact, and how to be mindful of biases creeping in.

How to Review, Revise, and Edit

2 Lessons

This chapter conveys the importance of revision and editing, providing strategies for refining content and polishing writing style.


3 Lessons

This chapter gives valuable tips on practicing writing, critically analyzing your work, and developing the skills needed to become a good writer.

Appendix A. Parts of Speech (Recommended for ESL Writers)

12 Lessons

The appendix details various parts of speech necessary for clarity, impact, and grammatically correct writing.

Appendix B. Punctuation Continued (Recommended for ESL Writers)

2 Lessons

The appendix delves deeper into punctuation, focusing on marks that indicate pauses, shifts in thought, or additional context.

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