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Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash
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Plotly's Dash Framework
Introduction to the Course
Overview of the Dash Ecosystem
Introduction: The Dash Ecosystem
Exploring Dash and Other Supporting Packages
Creating and Running a Simple App
Structuring the Layout and Managing Themes
Summary: The Dash Ecosystem
Quiz: The Dash Ecosystem
Exploring the Structure of a Dash App
Introduction: Structure of the Dash App
Using Jupyter Notebooks to Run Dash Apps
Understanding the ID Parameter of Dash Components
Incorporating the Function into the App
Properties of Dash's Callback Functions
Summary: Structure of the Dash App
Quiz: Structure of the Dash App
Working with Plotly's Figure Objects
Introduction: Plotly's Figure Objects
Figure Object
Data and Layout Attributes
Exploring the Different Ways of Converting Figures
Adding the New Functionality to Our App
Summary: Plotly's Figure Objects
Quiz: Plotly's Figure Objects
Data Manipulation and Preparation using Plotly Express
Introduction: Data Manipulation and Preparation
Understanding Long Format (Tidy) Data
Understanding the Role of Data Manipulation Skills
Reshaping DataFrames
Learning Plotly Express
Creating a Plotly Express Chart Using the Dataset
Summary: Data Manipulation and Preparation
Quiz: Data Manipulation and Preparation
Exercise: Merging Datasets
Solution: Merging Datasets
Interactively Comparing Values with Bar Charts and Drop-Down Menus
Introduction: Bar Charts and Drop-Down Menus
Plotting Bar Charts
Linking Bar Charts and Drop-Downs
Exploring Different Ways of Displaying Multiple Bar Charts
Incorporating the Functionality into the App
Exploring Additional Features of Drop-Downs
Summary: Bar Charts and Drop-Down Menus
Quiz: Bar Charts and Drop-Down Menus
Exploring Variables and Filtering Subsets
Introduction: Variables and Filtering Subsets
Learning about the Different Ways of Using Scatterplots
Creating Multiple Scatter Traces in a Single Plot
Mapping and Setting Colors with Scatterplots
Handling Overplotting and Outlier Values
Introducing Sliders and Range Sliders
Customizing the Marks and Values of Sliders
Summary: Variables and Filtering Subsets
Quiz: Variables and Filtering Subsets
Exploring Map Plots and Enriching Dashboards with Markdown
Introduction: Map Plots and Enriching Dashboards with Markdown
Exploring Choropleth Maps
Creating a Markdown Component
Understanding Map Projections
Incorporating an Interactive Map into the App
Summary: Map Plots and Enriching Dashboards with Markdown
Quiz: Map Plots and Enriching Dashboards with Markdown
Calculating the Frequency of Data with Histograms and Tables
Introduction: Histograms and Tables
Creating a Histogram
Adding Interactivity to Histograms
Creating a DataTable
Adding Histograms and Tables to the App
Summary: Histograms and Tables
Quiz: Histograms and Tables
Exercise: Visualizing Datasets
Solution: Visualizing Datasets
Letting the Data Speak for Itself with Machine Learning
Introduction: Letting Data Speak with Machine Learning
Understanding Clustering
Finding the Optimal Number of Clusters
Clustering Countries by Population
Creating an Interactive KMeans Clustering App
Preparing Data with Scikit-learn
Summary: Letting the Data Speak for Itself with Machine Learning
Quiz: Letting Data Speak with Machine Learning
Exercise: Creating and Analyzing a KMeans Model
Solution: Creating and Analyzing a Kmeans Model
Turbocharge Apps with Advanced Callbacks
Introduction: Advanced Callbacks
Understanding State
Creating Components That Control Other Components
Allowing Users to Add Dynamic Components to the App
Introducing Pattern-Matching Callbacks
Summary: Advanced Callbacks
Quiz: Advanced Callbacks
URLs and Multipage Apps
Introduction: URLs and Multipage Apps
Location and Link Components
Modify the App by Parsing URLs and Using Their Components
Adding Dynamically Generated URLs to the App
Incorporating the New URL Interactivity into the App
Summary: URLs and Multipage Apps
Quiz: URLs and Multipage Apps
Deploying the App
Introduction: Deploying Dash Apps to the Internet
Establishing the Deployment Workflow
Creating a Hosting Account and Virtual Server
Running the App on the Server
Setting Up and Running the App with a WSGI
Managing Maintenance and Updates
Deploying and Scaling Dash Apps with Dash Enterprise
Summary: Deploying Dash Apps to the Internet
Next Steps
Introduction: Additional Aspects of Development
Expanding Data Manipulation and Preparation Skills
Operationalizing and Visualizing Machine Learning Models
Going Large Scale with Dash Enterprise
Summary: Additional Aspects of Development
Setting up the environment
Summary: Additional Aspects of Development
Let’s recap all the topics covered in this course.
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