Home>Courses>Introduction to Marionette.js – The Backbone Framework



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Introduction to Marionette.js – The Backbone Framework

Delve into Marionette.js for building JavaScript applications. Gain insights into class objects, views, templates, event handling, collections, routing, and web storage for interactive client-server development.
Delve into Marionette.js for building JavaScript applications. Gain insights into class objects, views, templates, event handling, collections, routing, and web storage for interactive client-server development.


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This course includes

92 Lessons
90 Playgrounds
16 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

Marionette is an extension of Backbone that is very popular in building various JavaScript applications with a client-server system. It introduces a method for creating applications where you can define a class object that handles the entire application and acts as its root. You’ll learn the differences between views and templates. Next, you will cover displaying a model with a default value and use events to generate alerts. Then you’ll cover collectionView and CompositeView, to list contacts and display...Show More
Marionette is an extension of Backbone that is very popular in building various JavaScript applications with a client-server sys...Show More




Interactive Real-time Web Applications

What You'll Learn

An understanding of Marionette and its application to build a contact management application
Familiarity with the difference between views and templates in Marionette
Hands-on experience in displaying the collection on the application's main page by using CompositeView
Hands-on experience using CollectionView, to list our collection and apply sorting by using the comparator option
Hands-on experience in adding routing to an application for quick navigation using Marionette
The ability to add web storage persistence to retain the data modified by the user using Marionette
Working knowledge of adding several buttons, adding events, bubbling, triggers, and animations in Marionette
An understanding of Marionette and its application to build a contact management application

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Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with Marionette.js to build interactive, well-structured client-server applications.


Displaying a Static View

3 Lessons

Unpack the core of creating static views, dynamic templates, and modifying the DOM in Marionette.js.


Displaying a Model

4 Lessons

Work your way through displaying and managing model content for dynamic web applications.


Displaying a Collection of Models

6 Lessons

Apply your skills to manage and display collections of models using Marionette.js.


Creating Tables in Views

6 Lessons

Tackle creating and managing CompositeViews in Marionette.js, focusing on tables, events, and practical exercises.


Events, Bubbling, and TriggerMethod

6 Lessons

Practice using events, bubbling, and TriggerMethod for efficient interaction management in Marionette.js.


Displaying Contacts in Dedicated Views

2 Lessons

Try out displaying contacts in dedicated views with event handling and sub-modules.


Dealing with Persisted Data

4 Lessons

Examine adding local storage, loading and deleting contacts in Marionette.js.


Managing Forms

4 Lessons

Take a closer look at managing forms, editing contacts, saving modifications, and validating data in Marionette.js.


Displaying a Modal Window

3 Lessons

Implement modal functionality, views, and form data handling for efficient contact editing.


Complex Views and Base Views

5 Lessons

Build on managing complex views, enhancing user experience, and maintaining organized code.


Managing Dialogs with a Dedicated Region

2 Lessons

Step through managing modal dialogs with a dedicated region in Marionette.js.


Filtering Contacts

5 Lessons

Get started with filtering contacts, using collections, empty views, and optional routes.


Addition to Sub-Application

7 Lessons

Work your way through adding sub-applications, setting models, templates, views, and navigation.



2 Lessons

Apply your skills to create and manage dynamic web applications with Marionette.js.


Appendix: Using Web Storage for Persistence

5 Lessons

Map out the steps for using web storage for data persistence in Marionette.js.


Appendix: Creating a FilteredCollection

2 Lessons

Tackle creating and managing FilteredCollections in Marionette.js for efficient data handling.

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