Introduction to Extended Futures

This lesson gives an overview of extended futures, predicted to be introduced in C++20.

Tasks in the form of promises and futures have an ambivalent reputation in C++11. On the one hand, they are a lot easier to use than threads or condition variables; on the other hand, they have a great deficiency. They cannot be composed. C++20 will overcome this deficiency.

I have written about tasks in the form of std::async, std::packaged_task, or std::promise and std::future. The details are here: tasks. With C++20 we may get extended futures.


The name extended futures is quite easy to explain. First, the interface of the C++11 std::future was extended; second, there are new functions for creating special futures that are compostable. I will start with my first point.

The extended future has three new methods:

  • The unwrapping constructor that unwraps the outer future of a wrapped future (future<future<T>>).
  • The predicate is_ready that returns if a shared state is available.
  • The method then that attaches a continuation to a future.

At first, the state of a future can be valid or ready.

valid vs ready

  • valid: a future is valid if it has a shared state (with a promise). This does not have to be the case because you can default-construct an std::future without a promise
  • ready: a future is ready if the shared state is available, i.e. the promise has already produced its value

Therefore, (valid == true) is a requirement for (ready == true). My mental model of promise and future is that they are the endpoints of a data channel.

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