Rolling Back New Releases

Learn how to roll back the new release using Argo.

How we roll back

Hopefully, every single release will be successful. That’s a worthy goal but also one that we’re probably never going to reach. No matter how well we do our job, bad things happen. We might introduce a bug, we might have a broken release, or we might forget something critical. Sooner or later, a release will be inadequate and will need to be replaced as soon as possible. That might mean that we’ll create a new patch release and roll it forward, or that we’ll need to roll back.

Fixing a problematic release by rolling forward is the same as any other. It’s just a new release that follows the same process. The only difference we might apply is to skip all the steps and go forward to a full rollout of a new release right away. We already know how to do that since it’s the same as what we just did (with, maybe, removing the steps). ...

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