Introduction to C++

Introduction to C++

C++ is an object-oriented programming language built on C by adding object-oriented features. C++ is a cross-platform language that is used widely around the world. It was created by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979, and the first version was released to the public in 1983. It’s widely used for system/software development and embedded, resource-constrained software and large systems. C++ is well-known for its performance and efficiency.


Why use C++

Object-oriented programming (OOP): C++ supports OOP paradigms such as classes, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction.

Generic programming: Through templates, C++ supports generic programming, allowing reusable libraries to be created.

Memory management: C++ provides explicit control over memory management, allowing developers to allocate and deallocate memory as needed, which is crucial for performance-critical applications.

Compatibility with C: C++ is almost completely compatible with C, which makes it easy to integrate with existing C codebases.

Rich function library: C++ provides a large standard library that includes functions for file processing, mathematical computations, working with dates and times, and more.


Applications of C++

C++ is used in various domains because of its versatility. Its performance and wide support base make it a popular choice among developers for multiple applications. Some of the standard applications of C++ include:

Game development

GUI-based applications

Real-time mathematical simulations

Embedded systems

Web browsers


C++ for beginners

C++ can be an excellent foundation that can introduce beginners to basic programming concepts like variables, data types, and control structures. Later, you can also learn more advanced concepts such as memory management, pointers, and references, which are crucial for understanding how software interacts with hardware. Learning C++ encourages the development of a disciplined approach to coding, emphasizing the importance of understanding the underlying hardware operations.
