How to earn gift subscriptions


If you receive a subscription, you can always “save it for later.” Educative subscriptions are only valid through the year they were received​.

Top contributor of the month

You can choose a topic of your own, but your shot will not be accepted if it is on a topic that has already been published on Edpresso.

  • Complete the review process through to publication.
  • When the current month is over, each shot’s total views will be calculated and a winner will be chosen based on whose shot received the most views. Yes, this does mean that if you publish multiple shots in a month you are more likely to receive the subscription.
  • The winner will be emailed and added to our Edpresso Top contributor page.

1-month subscription guaranteed

Write 5 shots in 3 months and get a 1-month subscription to Educative guaranteed​.

All 5 of your shots must be:

  • Interactive.
  • Original (not plagiarized).
  • Preferably​ on an approved topic from our topic list.
  • Published on Edpresso within a consecutive 3-month period.

When you publish your 5th shot you will receive​ a 1-month subscription to Educative.

Sign up to write!

Fill out this form and you will be contacted about writing for Edpresso.