Top LeetCode Problems

Top LeetCode Problems

Take the most efficient path to acing your coding interviews!

Dive deep into the patterns behind top coding interview questions. Practice solving coding challenges with a proven approach developed by FAANG hiring managers to help you prepare for interviews at major tech companies.


Solve LeetCode Problems With a Pattern-based Approach

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Practice Coding Interview Problems

Two sum - icon.png
2- Contains duplicate.png

Image Overlap

Two Sum

Contains Duplicate

6- Maximum subarray.png
9. Merge Intervals.png

Maximum Subarray


Merge Intervals

Maximum SubArray.png
1- Reverse a linked list.png

Group Anagrams

Maximum Product Subarray

Reverse a Linked List

Detect Cycle in a Linked List.png
Container with most water - icon.png
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters.png

Detect Cycle in a Linked List

Container With Most Water

Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Number of Islands.png
Palindromic Substrings.png
Flip Binary Tree.png

Number of Islands

Palindromic Substrings

Invert/Flip Binary Tree

7- Task schedule.png
Lowest common ancestor 1ldpi.png
3. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree).png

Task Schedule

Lowest Common Ancestor of BST

Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)

Meeting Rooms.png
Alien Dictionary.png
1. climbing stairs.png

Meeting Rooms

Alien Dictionary

Climbing Stairs

Coin Exchange.png
Longets Increasing Subsequence.png
Combinationn Sumldpi.png

Coin Change

Longest Increasing Subsequence

Combination Sum

Bellman-Ford Minus Negative Cycle Check.png

Jump Game

Word Break

Bellman-Ford Minus Negative Cycle Check

Process Tasks Using Servers.png
Distribute candies.png
Number of ways to arrive at a destination.png

Process Tasks Using Servers

Distribute Candies

Number of Ways to Arrive at Destination

Verbal arithmatic puzzle.png
LRU Cache.png
Swapping Nodes in a Linked List.png

Verbal Arithmetic Puzzle

LRU Cache

Swapping Nodes in a Linked List

Binary search.png


Binary Search


Image Overlap

Two sum - icon.png

Two Sum

2- Contains duplicate.png

Contains Duplicate

6- Maximum subarray.png

Maximum Subarray



9. Merge Intervals.png

Merge Intervals


Group Anagrams

Maximum SubArray.png

Maximum Product Subarray

1- Reverse a linked list.png

Reverse a Linked List

Detect Cycle in a Linked List.png

Detect Cycle in a Linked List

Container with most water - icon.png

Container With Most Water

Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters.png

Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Number of Islands.png

Number of Islands

Palindromic Substrings.png

Palindromic Substrings

Flip Binary Tree.png

Invert/Flip Binary Tree

7- Task schedule.png

Task Schedule

Lowest common ancestor 1ldpi.png

Lowest Common Ancestor of BST

3. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree).png

Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)

Meeting Rooms.png

Meeting Rooms

Alien Dictionary.png

Alien Dictionary

1. climbing stairs.png

Climbing Stairs

Coin Exchange.png

Coin Change

Longets Increasing Subsequence.png

Longest Increasing Subsequence

Combinationn Sumldpi.png

Combination Sum


Jump Game


Word Break

Bellman-Ford Minus Negative Cycle Check.png

Bellman-Ford Minus Negative Cycle Check

Process Tasks Using Servers.png

Process Tasks Using Servers

Distribute candies.png

Distribute Candies

Number of ways to arrive at a destination.png

Number of Ways to Arrive at Destination

Verbal arithmatic puzzle.png

Verbal Arithmetic Puzzle

LRU Cache.png

LRU Cache

Swapping Nodes in a Linked List.png

Swapping Nodes in a Linked List



Binary search.png

Binary Search

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Can a beginner start with LeetCode?

Yes, a beginner can definitely start with LeetCode, as it offers a variety of problems ranging from easy to hard, allowing beginners to progressively improve their coding and problem-solving skills. We suggest starting with the ‘Easy’ level of Educative’s Leetcode problems.

Which language is best in LeetCode?

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Our goal is to help you develop and practice the skills you need to truly own your career journey — without slogging through endless problems on LeetCode.

The Educative platform is designed to get you hands-on with in-demand programming skills, with no-setup or configuration. We’re here to help you deepen your understanding, hone your skills, and apply what you learn in real-world coding scenarios. Start by learning how to solve any LeetCode problem with a proven, pattern-based approach.