Become an AdonisJS Developer

AdonisJS is a backend framework used to create data-driven dynamic web applications. AdonisJS development will make your skillset more diverse making you a better candidate for web-development jobs. This path will help you become an AdonisJS developer and become proficient in making fully functional applications with the framework. By the end of the path, you'll have job-ready skills in developing applications in AdonisJS.

Become an AdonisJS Developer

74 hours

130 Lessons

10 Quizzes

293 Playgrounds

20 Challenges

150 Code Snippets

115 Illustrations

Learning Objectives

Understand the concepts of JavaScript.

Learn the required concepts of JavaScript

Understand how JS features work in ES2015

Get the hang of building backend APIs with Node.js

Learn how to make web applications with AdonisJS

What Our Learners Say

Your method is simple, straight to the point and I can practice with it everywhere, even from my phone, that's something I have never had in other learning platforms.

Felipe Matheus

I highly recommend Educative. The courses are well organized and easy to understand.

Adina Ong

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo
What Our Learners Say

Your method is simple, straight to the point and I can practice with it everywhere, even from my phone, that's something I have never had in other learning platforms.

Felipe Matheus

I highly recommend Educative. The courses are well organized and easy to understand.

Adina Ong

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo