Deep Dive into System Design Interview

System design is fundamental to building scalable systems, a core skill required for all software engineers. Your understanding of system design will determine your engineering level. This path follows the bottom-up approach and contains the foundational components a software engineer needs to prepare for the system design interview. Start with a quick refresher on the distributed systems, building blocks, and web architectures. You will learn the RESHADED pattern to design large-scale systems like Netflix, Facebook, Quora, etc. Ultimately, a machine learning system design module will prepare you with best practices to design, develop, and integrate machine learning models in production at scale.

Deep Dive into System Design Interview
What Our Learners Say

Your method is simple, straight to the point and I can practice with it everywhere, even from my phone, that's something I have never had in other learning platforms.

Felipe Matheus

I highly recommend Educative. The courses are well organized and easy to understand.

Adina Ong

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo
What Our Learners Say

Your method is simple, straight to the point and I can practice with it everywhere, even from my phone, that's something I have never had in other learning platforms.

Felipe Matheus

I highly recommend Educative. The courses are well organized and easy to understand.

Adina Ong

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo