Mastering Version Control and Trace Analysis

Git is a system for version control that operates in a distributed manner, permitting software development teams to possess numerous, separate local copies of the project’s codebase. Trace and log analysis entails reviewing and understanding the records and entries produced by the software as it runs. These records usually hold important details regarding the software’s actions, performance, errors, and significant occurrences. This Skill Path will take you through everything you need to know to confidently use version control and trace analysis in your projects. It begins with a comprehensive introduction to Git, its syntax, and uses in software projects. Next, you will learn the importance of Git version control and the benefits of creating and maintaining multiple copies of a software project, when working individually or in a team. Finally, you will learn to use the software trace and log analysis pattern language to analyze software and efficiently run diagnostics to improve performance.

Mastering Version Control and Trace Analysis

27 hours

184 Lessons

Learning Objectives

An understanding of Git and how to use it to maintain and scale software projects.

Hands-on experience using Git version control to improve collaboration in teams working on software projects.

The ability to use software trace and log analysis patterns in software diagnostics.

What Our Learners Say

Your method is simple, straight to the point and I can practice with it everywhere, even from my phone, that's something I have never had in other learning platforms.

Felipe Matheus

I highly recommend Educative. The courses are well organized and easy to understand.

Adina Ong

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo
What Our Learners Say

Your method is simple, straight to the point and I can practice with it everywhere, even from my phone, that's something I have never had in other learning platforms.

Felipe Matheus

I highly recommend Educative. The courses are well organized and easy to understand.

Adina Ong

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo