Web Development with PHP

PHP is a handy and in-demand language for creating dynamic web pages that can also interact with databases. It is a widely used programming language geared towards web development. This path will teach you the building blocks of web development. You will also learn the essential PHP concepts such as sessions, cookies, and PHP scripts to stand out from the competition. You'll also create a CRUD application and learn how to integrate a PHP application with MySQL. By the end of the path, you will have the expertise and skills to utilize PHP in your web development projects.

Web Development with PHP
What Our Learners Say

Your method is simple, straight to the point and I can practice with it everywhere, even from my phone, that's something I have never had in other learning platforms.

Felipe Matheus

I highly recommend Educative. The courses are well organized and easy to understand.

Adina Ong

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo
What Our Learners Say

Your method is simple, straight to the point and I can practice with it everywhere, even from my phone, that's something I have never had in other learning platforms.

Felipe Matheus

I highly recommend Educative. The courses are well organized and easy to understand.

Adina Ong

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo