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Frequently asked rooted tree algorithms/problems

15 min read
Oct 30, 2024
Types of trees
Importance of tree algorithms in interviews
Binary search tree traversals
In-order traversal
Pre-order traversal
Post-order traversal
Time and space complexity
Binary search tree operations
Tree depth and height calculation
Recursive and iterative methods
Calculating height by using the recursive method
Calculating depth by using the recursive method
Calculating height by using the iterative method
Calculating depth by using the iterative method
Time and space complexities
Recursive approach
Iterative approach
Frequently asked tree problems
Next steps

In computer science, rooted trees are a hierarchical data structure made up of nodes linked by edges. They begin with a single node called the root node. The root node then branches out into a network of connected nodes. Each node can have one or more child nodes, with edges defining the parent-child relationships. Trees are important in computer science because they can represent different types of hierarchical data, such as organizational charts, organizational hierarchies, and file systems. They are used in many algorithms, like searching and sorting, to organize the data efficiently.

Let’s understand the different concepts/terms used in the trees:




The top node in a tree, with no parent. Every tree has one root.


An element of the tree. A node holds data and links to its child nodes.

Internal node

A node that has at least one child.


A node that has one or more children.


A node connected to a parent node.


A link between two nodes connecting a parent to a child.


Nodes that share the same parent.

Descendants of a node

All the nodes that can be reached from a given node by following edges downward. For example, if you start at a node, its descendants include all its children, grandchildren, and so on.

Ancestors of a node

All the nodes that appear on the path from the root of the tree to that particular node, excluding the node itself. This includes the node’s parent, grandparent, and so on, up to the root node.


A subtree of a tree rooted at a node is a section of the tree that includes this node, all its descendants, and the edges connecting them.

Height of the node

The height of a node is the longest path from that node to a leaf node. The height of the node is the height of the root.

Depth of the node

The depth of a node is the number of edges from the root to that node.

Leaf node

A node without any children. It is also called an external node.

Throughout this blog, n represents the number of nodes in a tree, and h represents the height of the tree.

Types of trees#

There are some special types of trees. Every tree type is suitable for different use cases and scenarios. Some of these types are listed below:

  • Binary trees: In a binary tree, each node can have up to two children, generally known as the left and right children. Binary trees are the basic structure for more complex trees and algorithms. They’re used in many applications, like parsing expressions and creating binary heaps.

  • Binary heaps: A binary heap is a type of binary tree where all levels are filled except possibly the last, and all nodes are as far left as possible. It follows a specific rule called the heap property, which has two types:

    • Max-heap: In this structure, each parent node has a value that is greater than or equal to its children’s values. This means the largest value will always be at the root (the top).

    • Min-heap: In this version, each parent node has a value that is smaller than or equal to its children’s values. This means the smallest value will always be at the root.

  • M-ary trees: In an m-ary tree, each node can have up to mm children instead of just two in binary trees. Each node can have 0 to mm children. The tree is arranged so that all levels, except maybe the last one, are fully filled, and all nodes are as left as possible.

  • Binary search trees (BST): A BST is a special kind of binary tree where, for any node, all values in the left subtree are smaller than the node, and all values in the right subtree are larger than the node. This makes searching, inserting, and deleting data efficient. BSTs are commonly used in database indexing, storing data in memory, and handling dynamic sets.

  • AVL trees: An AVL tree is a type of self-balancing BST where the height difference between any node’s left and right subtrees is at most one. This balance keeps operations like search, insertion, and deletion fast in O(log n)O(log\space n) time. The AVL trees are useful when quick lookups and updates are important, such as in memory management and certain database systems.

  • Red-black trees: Another self-balancing BST, red-black trees ensure that the longest path from the root to any leaf node is no more than twice as long as the shortest path. This balance ensures O(log n)O(log\space n) time for insertions, deletions, and lookups. Red-black trees are widely used in real-world applications, like implementing associative arrays and solving computational geometry problems.

  • B-trees: B-trees are balanced trees that extend binary search trees to allow more than two children per node. They’re perfect for systems that handle large blocks of data, such as databases and file systems. B-trees stay balanced by keeping all leaf nodes at the same depth, which improves performance for disk-based operations.

  • Trie (prefix tree): A trie is a tree-like structure that stores strings or sequences of characters, making it easy to find and match prefixes. Each node in a trie represents a common prefix of the strings stored, and paths down the tree show the different strings. Tries are commonly used in autocomplete systems, spell checkers, and IP routing.

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Importance of tree algorithms in interviews#

Tree algorithms are a key part of technical interviews because they solve various problems and help evaluate a candidate’s grasp of data structures. Trees are used in many real-world systems, like databases, file systems, and network routing. Interviewers often choose tree-based problems to test problem-solving skills, knowledge of recursion, and familiarity with complex data structures.

Tree problems require a solid understanding of working with non-linear data structures. Unlike arrays or linked lists, trees involve algorithms that can effectively traverse, manipulate, and analyze nodes within a hierarchy. Knowing tree algorithms well is crucial for anyone looking to do well in software engineering interviews because they show a strong foundation in core computer science concepts.

We will focus on binary search trees because they are commonly used in computer science problems and algorithms.

Binary search tree traversals#

Traversal is the process of visiting every node in a tree in a specific order. Understanding the different traversal methods is important because many tree problems depend on visiting nodes in a certain way. The three main types of binary tree traversal are in-order, pre-order, and post-order, each with its own uses and applications. We will take the following binary search tree as an example for all three types of traversal:

A binary search tree
A binary search tree

Let’s now discuss all the traversals one by one.

In-order traversal#

In-order traversal involves visiting the left subtree first, then the root node, and finally the right subtree. This method is especially useful in BST because it visits the nodes in ascending order. During an in-order traversal, the nodes would be visited in the following order:

In-order traversal of the BST
In-order traversal of the BST

This sequence reflects the in-order property of a BST, where nodes are visited in ascending numerical order. In-order traversal is mainly used in BSTs to retrieve elements in sorted order. This in-order traversal is also useful in algorithms that need to process nodes in a sorted sequence, such as validating a BST to ensure it’s properly ordered.

Pre-order traversal#

Pre-order traversal involves visiting the root node first, followed by the left subtree and then the right subtree. During the pre-order traversal of the tree given above, the nodes would be visited in the following order:

Pre-order traversal of the BST
Pre-order traversal of the BST

This method is particularly useful for tasks that require processing the root node before examining its children. Pre-order traversal is often used to create a copy of the tree or to print the tree’s structure.

Post-order traversal#

Post-order traversal involves visiting the nodes in this order: first, the left subtree, then the right subtree, and finally, the root node. During the post-order traversal of the above tree, the nodes would be visited in the following order:

Post-order traversal of the BST
Post-order traversal of the BST

This method is particularly useful when you need to process child nodes before their parent, such as in tree deletion operations where a node should be deleted only after all its children have been removed.


The binary search tree traversals are commonly implemented using a recursive approach, but they can also be implemented with an iterative approach by using the stack.

Time and space complexity#

The time complexity of any tree traversal is O(n)O(n) where nn is the number of elements in the tree. The space complexity is O(h)O(h), where hh is the height of the tree.

Mastering Algorithms for Problem Solving in Python

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Binary search tree operations#

Let's discuss the different types of operations we can perform in a binary search tree, like searching, insertion, and deletion.


Searching in a BST utilizes the tree’s ordered structure to efficiently find a target value. The search starts at the root, where the algorithm compares the target value with the current node’s value. Depending on the result, it either moves to the left or right subtree. This process continues until the target value is found or a leaf node is reached.

Let’s try to find a value in a binary search tree using the help of an illustration:

1 / 4


Insertion in a BST involves finding the right spot for the new node while keeping the BST’s order intact. The process begins at the root, where the algorithm compares the new value with the current node’s value. If the new value is smaller, it moves to the left child; if it’s larger, it moves to the right child. This continues until an empty spot is found, where the new node can be inserted.

Let’s try to insert a value in a binary search tree using the help of an illustration:

1 / 5

IN BST, the new node is always added to the leaf.


Deleting a node from a BST requires careful handling to maintain the tree’s structure and properties. The process varies based on the node’s number of children:

  • Leaf node (no children): If the node is a leaf node, it can simply be removed without any further changes to the tree.

  • One child: If a node has one child, the node is removed, and its child is linked directly to the node’s parent, keeping the tree connected.

  • Two children: The node is replaced by either its in-order successor (the smallest node in its right subtree) or its in-order predecessor (the largest node in its left subtree). This ensures the BST’s order is preserved.

When deleting a node, if the in-order successor or in-order predecessor are not the leaf nodes, the deletion will occur recursively.

Let’s try to delete a value with two children from a binary search tree using the help of an illustration:

1 / 4

Tree depth and height calculation#

Understanding the concepts of tree depth and height is important for many tree-related algorithms and operations. Although both concepts are related, they are different conceptually. Let’s understand the difference between these concepts.

  • Depth of a node: Depth is the distance from the root node to the given node, i.e., it is the number of edges from the root to that node. The root node’s depth is always zero because there are no edges to traverse to reach it.

  • Height of a node: The height of a node is the number of edges on the longest path from that node to any leaf node in its subtree. The height of the entire tree is the height of the root node, which represents the longest path from the root to any leaf node. In other words, the height of a tree is the maximum depth of any node within it.

Let’s see an example of the depth and height of the nodes of a BST.

Depth and height of the BST nodes at various level
Depth and height of the BST nodes at various level

The tree’s height is the same as the maximum depth among all the nodes in the tree.

Recursive and iterative methods#

We can find a tree’s height and depth (of each node) using recursive or iterative methods.

Let’s discuss both ways one by one.

Calculating height by using the recursive method#

The height of a BST can be calculated by recursively computing the height of each subtree. In the end, we return the maximum of these heights plus one (we added one to account for the current node).

Let’s see the code to calculate the height of a BST by using the recursive method:

class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, value):
# Initialize a tree node with a given value.
self.value = value
self.left = None # Left child
self.right = None # Right child
def insert_into_bst(root, value):
if root is None:
# If the tree is empty, create a new node and return it.
return TreeNode(value)
if value < root.value:
# If the value is less than the root node's value, insert it into the left subtree.
root.left = insert_into_bst(root.left, value)
# If the value is greater than or equal to the root node's value, insert it into the right subtree.
root.right = insert_into_bst(root.right, value)
return root
def find_height(node):
if node is None:
# The height of an empty tree is -1.
return -1
# Recursively find the height of the left and right subtrees.
left_height = find_height(node.left)
right_height = find_height(node.right)
# The height of the current node is the maximum height of the subtrees plus 1.
return max(left_height, right_height) + 1
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
# List of values to be inserted into the BST.
values = [15, 10, 20, 8, 12, 17, 25]
# Initialize the root of the BST as None.
root = None
# Insert each value into the BST.
for value in values:
root = insert_into_bst(root, value)
# Compute the height of the BST.
height = find_height(root)
# Print the height of the BST.
print("Height of the tree:", height)

Here’s a summarized explanation of the recursive height calculation code:

  • The recursive method calculates the height of a binary search tree (BST) by exploring each subtree.

  • If a node is None, it returns -1, indicating an empty subtree.

  • For each node, the function recursively computes the height of its left and right children.

  • The height of the current node is determined as the maximum of the left and right subtree heights plus 1 (to account for the current node).

  • The process continues from the leaf nodes back up to the root, eventually determining the height of the entire tree.

This approach breaks the problem into smaller subproblems (recursive calls) that are later combined to compute the overall tree height.

Calculating depth by using the recursive method#

The recursive approach to finding a node’s depth in a BST traces the path from the root to the node, incrementing a counter with each step.

Let’s see the code to calculate the depth of a BST node by using the recursive method:

class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, value):
# Initialize a tree node with a given value.
self.value = value
self.left = None # Left child of the node
self.right = None # Right child of the node
def insert_into_bst(root, value):
if root is None:
# If the tree is empty, create a new node with the given value and return it.
return TreeNode(value)
if value < root.value:
# If the value is less than the root node's value, insert it into the left subtree.
root.left = insert_into_bst(root.left, value)
# If the value is greater than or equal to the root node's value, insert it into the right subtree.
root.right = insert_into_bst(root.right, value)
return root
def find_depth_recursive(root, target, depth=0):
if root is None:
# If the current node is None, the target is not found in the tree.
return -1
if root.value == target:
# If the current node's value matches the target, return the current depth.
return depth
elif target < root.value:
# If the target value is less than the current node's value, search in the left subtree.
return find_depth_recursive(root.left, target, depth + 1)
# If the target value is greater than the current node's value, search in the right subtree.
return find_depth_recursive(root.right, target, depth + 1)
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
# List of values to be inserted into the BST.
values = [15, 10, 20, 8, 12, 17, 25]
# Initialize the root of the BST as None.
root = None
# Insert each value into the BST.
for value in values:
root = insert_into_bst(root, value)
# Define the target value to find in the BST.
target = 20
# Find the depth of the node with the target value.
depth = find_depth_recursive(root, target)
# Print the depth of the node with the target value.
print(f"Depth of node {target}:", depth)

Here’s a summarized explanation of the recursive depth calculation code:

  • The recursive method calculates the depth of a node in a binary search tree (BST) by tracing the path from the root to the target node.

  • Starting from the root, if the current node is None, it returns -1, indicating the target node is not found.

  • If the current node’s value matches the target, it returns the current depth.

  • If the target is smaller than the current node’s value, it recursively searches the left subtree while increasing the depth by 1.

  • If the target is larger, it recursively searches the right subtree, incrementing the depth by 1.

  • This process continues until the target node is found or a None node is reached, returning the depth of the target node if found.

This approach breaks down the search into smaller steps, incrementally updating the depth at each level.

Calculating height by using the iterative method#

We can use a level-order traversal to count the levels of the tree, which corresponds to its height.

Let’s see the code to calculate the height of a BST by using the iterative method:

from collections import deque
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, value):
# Initialize a tree node with a given value.
self.value = value
self.left = None # Left child of the node
self.right = None # Right child of the node
def insert_into_bst(root, value):
if root is None:
# If the tree is empty, create a new node with the given value and return it.
return TreeNode(value)
if value < root.value:
# If the value is less than the root node's value, insert it into the left subtree.
root.left = insert_into_bst(root.left, value)
# If the value is greater than or equal to the root node's value, insert it into the right subtree.
root.right = insert_into_bst(root.right, value)
return root
def find_height_iterative(root):
if root is None:
# If the tree is empty, the height is -1 (or 0 depending on the definition).
return -1
# Initialize a queue for level-order traversal.
queue = deque([root])
height = -1
while queue:
# Get the number of nodes at the current level.
level_size = len(queue)
for _ in range(level_size):
# Process each node at the current level.
node = queue.popleft()
if node.left:
if node.right:
# Increment the height after processing all nodes at the current level.
height += 1
return height
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
# List of values to be inserted into the BST.
values = [15, 10, 20, 8, 12, 17, 25]
# Initialize the root of the BST as None.
root = None
# Insert each value into the BST.
for value in values:
root = insert_into_bst(root, value)
# Find the height of the BST using the iterative approach.
height = find_height_iterative(root)
# Print the height of the BST.
print("Height of the tree:", height)

Here’s a summarized explanation of the iterative height calculation code:

  • The iterative method calculates the height of a binary search tree (BST) using level-order traversal.

  • If the tree is empty (i.e., the root is None), it returns -1, indicating no height.

  • A queue (using deque for efficiency) is initialized with the root node to facilitate level-order traversal.

  • A loop processes each level of the tree:

    • It determines the number of nodes at the current level by checking the queue’s length.

    • It dequeues each node at that level, checks for its left and right children, and enqueues them if they exist.

  • After processing all nodes at the current level, the height counter is incremented.

  • This process continues until all levels of the tree are traversed and the final height of the tree is returned.

This approach effectively counts the number of levels in the tree by systematically exploring each level before moving to the next, resulting in a clear and accurate measurement of the tree’s height.

Calculating depth by using the iterative method#

We can use an iterative approach that starts at the given root and counts the number of steps required to reach the required node.

Let’s see the code to calculate the depth of a BST node by using the iterative method:

class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, value):
# Initialize a tree node with a given value.
self.value = value
self.left = None # Left child of the node
self.right = None # Right child of the node
def insert_into_bst(root, value):
if root is None:
# If the tree is empty, create a new node with the given value and return it.
return TreeNode(value)
if value < root.value:
# If the value is less than the root node's value, insert it into the left subtree.
root.left = insert_into_bst(root.left, value)
# If the value is greater than or equal to the root node's value, insert it into the right subtree.
root.right = insert_into_bst(root.right, value)
return root
def calculate_depth_iterative(root, target):
depth = 0
current = root
while current is not None:
if current.value == target:
# If the current node's value matches the target, return the current depth.
return depth
elif target < current.value:
# If the target value is less than the current node's value, move to the left child.
current = current.left
# If the target value is greater than the current node's value, move to the right child.
current = current.right
# Increment the depth as we move to the next level in the tree.
depth += 1
# If the target value is not found in the tree, return -1.
return -1
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
# List of values to be inserted into the BST.
values = [15, 10, 20, 8, 12, 17, 25]
# Initialize the root of the BST as None.
root = None
# Insert each value into the BST.
for value in values:
root = insert_into_bst(root, value)
# Define the target value to find in the BST.
target = 20
# Calculate the depth of the node with the target value using the iterative method.
depth = calculate_depth_iterative(root, target)
# Print the depth of the node with the target value, or a message if the node is not found.
if depth != -1:
print(f"Depth of node {target}: {depth}")
print(f"Node {target} not found in the tree.")

Here’s a summarized explanation of the iterative depth calculation code:

  • The iterative method calculates the depth of a node in a binary search tree (BST) by traversing from the root to the target node.

  • A depth counter is initialized to 0, and a current pointer is set to the root.

  • A loop runs until the current node is None:

    • If the current node’s value matches the target, the current depth is returned.

    • If the target value is less than the current node’s value, the search continues in the left subtree by updating current to its left child.

    • If the target value is greater, it moves to the right subtree by updating current to its right child.

  • The depth counter is incremented with each step down the tree.

  • If the loop exits without finding the target node, -1 is returned to indicate that the node is not present in the tree.

This approach effectively counts the steps taken from the root to the target node, providing an efficient way to determine its depth within the BST.

Time and space complexities#

Let’s break the time and space complexities for finding the depth and height of a binary tree using both recursive and iterative methods:

Recursive approach#

  • Time complexity:

    • Height: To find the height of a tree, we need to visit each node once, so it takes O(n)O(n) time, where nn is the total number of nodes.

    • Depth: Finding the depth of a node depends on how deep the tree is. In the worst case, if the tree is very deep, it can also take O(n)O(n) time.

  • Space complexity:

    • Height: The amount of memory used is based on the depth of the recursion, which is O(h)O(h), where hh is the height of the tree.

    • Depth: Finding the depth also uses O(h)O(h) space because of the recursion stack.

Iterative approach#

  • Time complexity:

    • Height: Using level-order traversal (BFS) to find the height means visiting each node once, so the time complexity is O(n)O(n).

    • Depth: Finding the depth of a node iteratively takes O(h)O(h) time, where hh is the height of the tree.

  • Space complexity:

    • Height: The space required is based on the widest level of the tree, which can be O(n)O(n) in the worst case if the tree is very wide.

    • Depth: Finding the depth iteratively uses constant space, O(1)O(1), as it only requires a few variables.

Frequently asked tree problems#

Trees are key data structures for representing hierarchical relationships in fields like computer science and databases. Mastering common tree problems is necessary for improving algorithms and solving complex challenges. Let’s discuss the overview of frequently encountered tree problems, including their significance, time and space complexities, and important concepts.

Problem Name



Key Concepts

Time Complexity

Space Complexity

Binary tree in-order traversal

Go through the tree in the order: left subtree, then the root, and finally the right subtree.

Helpful for understanding the different ways to move through a tree in various algorithms.

Tree traversal, recursion



Binary tree level order traversal

Go through the tree one level at a time using a queue.

Important for breadth-first search (BFS) algorithms and figuring out the levels of a tree.

Level order traversal, queue



Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA)

Find the closest common ancestor of two nodes in a tree.

Important for finding common ancestors of a node, especially useful in tasks like path queries.

LCA algorithms, tree traversal



Binary search tree validation

Check if a binary tree is a valid binary search tree (BST).

Important for checking the binary search tree (BST) property, which helps keep searching, adding, and removing elements efficient.

BST property, tree traversal



Maximum depth of binary tree

Find the maximum depth of the tree.

Helps in figuring out the tree’s depth and keeping it balanced.

Tree depth, recursion



Diameter of binary tree

Calculate the diameter of the tree, which is the longest path between any two nodes.

Important for figuring out the longest path in a tree.

Tree diameter, recursion



Convert sorted array to BST

Turn a sorted array into a balanced binary search tree (BST).

Helpful for building a balanced tree from sorted data.

BST construction, divide and conquer



Find kth smallest element in BST

Locate the k-th smallest element in a binary search tree (BST).

Helps in quickly finding the k-th smallest element in a binary search tree (BST).

BST properties, in-order traversal

O(h + k)


Symmetric tree check

Determine if a tree is a mirror image of itself, meaning it’s symmetrical around its center.

Important for checking if a tree is symmetrical, which is useful in image processing and data structures.

Tree symmetry, recursion



Tree serialization/deserialization

Convert a tree into a string and then turn that string back into the original tree.

Helpful for saving and rebuilding tree structures in different systems.

Serialization, deserialization



Path sum

Determine if there’s a path from the root to a leaf node in the tree that adds up to a specified sum.

Important for solving problems that involve adding up the values along paths from the root to the leaves.

Path sum, tree traversal



Flatten binary tree to linked list

Transform a binary tree into a linked list in place, where each node points to the next node in a flattened structure.

Helpful for turning a tree into a list-like structure, making it easier to work with.

Tree flattening, recursion



Next steps#

Now that you’ve mastered tree algorithms dive deeper into other essential data structures and algorithms through these helpful blogs:

To further support your learning journey, explore Educative’s wide range of courses designed to enhance your algorithm skills:

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between depth and height in a tree?

The depth of a node in a tree is how far it is from the root, measured by the number of connections (or edges) you need to follow to get there. The height of a node is how far it is from the furthest leaf node, again measured by the number of edges. The height of the entire tree is just the height of the root, which tells you the longest path from the root to any leaf node.

What are the main types of binary tree traversal methods, and when are they used?

Why are self-balancing binary search trees (like AVL and red-black trees) important?

What is the purpose of the lowest common ancestor (LCA) algorithm in tree structures?

How does the binary search tree (BST) ensure efficient search operations?

Written By:
Dania Ahmad
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