Questions 28 to 30

Explanations for questions 28 to 30

We'll cover the following

Question 28

There is a new requirement for a database that will store a large number of records for an online store. You are evaluating the use of DynamoDB. Which of the following are AWS best practices for DynamoDB? (Select TWO)

  1. Use separate local secondary indexes for each item.
  2. Store objects larger than 400 KB in S3, and uses pointers in DynamoDB.
  3. Store more frequently and less frequently accessed data in separate tables.
  4. Use for BLOB data use cases.
  5. Use large files.

Correct Answer: 2, 3

Explanation: DynamoDB best practices include:

  • Keep item sizes small.
  • If you are storing serial data in DynamoDB that will require actions based on data/time, use separate tables for days, weeks, and months.
  • Store more frequently and less frequently accessed data in separate tables.
  • If possible, compress larger attribute values.
  • Store objects larger than 400 KB in S3, and use pointers (S3 Object ID) in DynamoDB.

INCORRECT:Use separate local secondary indexes for each item.” is incorrect as this is not a best practice.

CORRECT:Store objects larger than 400 KB in S3, and use pointers in DynamoDB.” is the correct answer.

CORRECT:Store more frequently and less frequently accessed data in separate tables.” is the correct answer.

INCORRECT:Use for BLOB data use cases.” is incorrect as this is not a best practice.

INCORRECT:Use large files.” is incorrect as this is not a best practice.


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