Searching Algorithms
Let's study some famous and important searching algorithms including binary search.
Brute force: linear search
This is the most simple searching algorithm.
How linear search works?
Go through each element one by one. When the element you are searching for is found, return its index. Here are some slides to make things clearer:
1 / 6
Implementation #
The linear search scans one item at a time and traverses the entire list to find the desired element.
def linear_search(lst, key):"""Linear search function:param lst: lst of unsorted integers:param key: A key to be searched in the list"""if len(lst) <= 0: # Sanity checkreturn -1for i in range(len(lst)):if lst[i] == key:return i # If found return indexreturn -1 # Return -1 otherwise# Driver code to test aboveif __name__ == '__main__':lst = [5, 4, 1, 0, 5, 95, 4, -100, 200, 0]key = 95index = linear_search(lst, key)if index != -1:print("Key:", key, "is found at index:", index)else:print(key, " is not found in the list.")
Performance of linear search
Linear search runs in ...
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