Questions 61 to 63

Explanations for questions 61 to 63

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Question 61

Developers regularly create and update CloudFormation stacks using API calls. For security reasons, you need to ensure that users are restricted to a specified template. How can this be achieved?

  1. Store the template on Amazon S3, and use a bucket policy to restrict access.
  2. Create an IAM policy with a Condition: ResourceTypes parameter.
  3. Create an IAM policy with a Condition: TemplateURL parameter.
  4. Create an IAM policy with a Condition: StackPolicyURL parameter.

Correct Answer: 3

Explanation: The cloudformation:TemplateURL lets you specify where the CloudFormation template for a stack action (such as create or update) resides and enforces that it be used.

INCORRECT: “Store the template on Amazon S3, and use a bucket policy to restrict access.” is incorrect. Configuring a bucket policy on the Amazon S3 bucket where you place your templates is a good idea, but it does not enforce CloudFormation to create and update API requests to use the templates in the bucket.

INCORRECT: “Create an IAM policy with a Condition: ResourceTypes parameter.” is incorrect. The CloudFormation API accepts a ResourceTypes parameter. In your API call, you specify which types of resources can be created or updated. This does not control which template is used.

CORRECT: “Create an IAM policy with a Condition: TemplateURL parameter.” is the correct answer.

INCORRECT: “Create an IAM policy with a Condition: StackPolicyURL parameter.” is incorrect. You can ensure that every CloudFormation stack has a stack policy associated with it upon creation with the StackPolicyURL condition. However, this parameter itself is not used to specify the template to use.


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