Problem Solving: Compiling Student Result

Compiling the result of the students

Write a program that compiles the result of students and displays it.

Problem statement

The program should take the following as input:

  • Total number of students
  • Total number of courses (assuming that every student has the same number of courses)
  • Every student’s roll numbers, names, and obtained marks for each course

The program should:

  • Compile the result and display the result with the roll number followed by the name and total marks of each student
  • Display the class topper at the end

Sample program

        Semester Detailed Result
# of students: 5
# of courses: 5
Roll# Name   C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
1     Alice  90 75 80 60 91 
2     Bob    94 70 80 70 97 
3     Marie  80 87 90 97 98 
4     Imran  80 60 70 70 55 
5     Ali    85 86 87 90 98 

        Compiled Result!
Roll#   Name           Marks
1       Alice         396
2       Bob           411
3       Marie         452
4       Imran         335
5       Ali           446

The topper of the class is: Roll#3  Name: Marie Marks: 452

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