Problem Solving: Introduction to Sets

In this lesson, we’ll work on sets. Sets are a well-defined collection of non-repetitive objects. In our case, we’ll only be looking at the sets of integers.

In this lesson, we’ll learn to:

  • Read integer sets from a file
  • Sort the integer sets
  • Display the sets

So let’s start!

Reading sets from a file

Task: Load the two sets A and B from the file.

The file has the following format:

The two sizes (size of A and size of B) followed by set A and set B entries.

Here is a sample file:


5 6
10 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 7 8 10

As we know, a set cannot contain duplicate elements. Therefore, if a number is added twice, that duplicate should not be allowed to enter the set.

So we will have two sets, say A and B, both containing numbers without repetitions. The numbers can be either positive or negative.

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