A ToDo List Using Multimap

Learn to make a to-do list using Multimap.

An ordered task list (or a ToDo list) is a common computing application. Formally stated, it's a list of tasks associated with a priority, sorted in reverse numerical order.

We may be tempted to use a priority_queue for this, because as the name implies, it's already sorted in priority (reverse numerical) order. The disadvantage of a priority_ queue is that it has no iterators, so it's difficult to operate on it without pushing and popping items to and from the queue.

For this recipe, we'll use a multimap for the ordered list. The multimap associative container keeps items in order, and it can be accessed using reverse iteratorsReverse iterators are iterators that traverse a container in the opposite direction, starting from the last element and moving towards the first element. for the proper sort order.

How to do it

This is a short and simple recipe that initializes a multimap and prints it in reverse order.

  • We start with a type alias for our multimap:

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