Solution Review: Find the Maximum Value
In this review, solution of the challenge 'Find the Maximum Value' from the previous lesson is provided.
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class CheckMax {//Returns maximum value from Array passed as parameterpublic static int findMaxVal(int[] arr) {int max = arr[0];for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { //iterate over all the array elementsif (arr[i] > max) { //check if current element is greater than the already//stored max valuemax = arr[i]; // if yes then update the max value to current element}}return max; //return the maximum value} //end of findMaxValue()//end of CheckMaxpublic static void main( String args[] ) {int array [] = {78, 89, 32, 90, 21};System.out.println( "The maximum value in an array is: "+findMaxVal(array));}}
How does the above
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