Iterating Over a Vector

This lesson will teach you how to loop through a vector.

If it is desired to access each element of a vector, then it is possible to iterate over the elements of a vector using iter() rather than using the indexes to access a particular element of a vector using the square bracket notation.

Iterate Using .iter() Built-in Method

In the previous lesson, we learned to remove an element given an index. However, to remove a particular element, we first need to find the index of that element and then call the remove function passing that index. For this we can use the .iter().position(|&e| e == element_name).unwrap().


  • iter() is the built-in function that iterates over the elements of the vector.

  • .position is a built-in function that takes the element name to get the position of that element in the vector, i.e., (|&e| e == element_name) defines a variable e with the value equal to the name of the element that we want to find.

  • .unwrap() is the built-in function.

    More details of .unwrap() will be covered in Enums chapter.

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