Home>Courses>Managing State in Flutter Using BLoC Pattern



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Managing State in Flutter Using BLoC Pattern

Gain insights into the BLoC pattern, implement counter and Star Wars apps, use the flutter_bloc library, explore repository patterns, test with bloc_test, and delve into RxDart for reactive extensions.
Gain insights into the BLoC pattern, implement counter and Star Wars apps, use the flutter_bloc library, explore repository patterns, test with bloc_test, and delve into RxDart for reactive extensions.


Adaptive Learning



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This course includes

53 Lessons
28 Playgrounds
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

Flutter is an innovative framework that allows developers to create high-quality mobile and web apps. Business logic component (BLoC) patterns allow Flutter applications to manage application state. You'll learn about the BLoC pattern and implement a counter application using streams, events, and states from the BLoC architecture. Next, you will learn to use different widgets provided by the BLoC library that help reduce the boilerplate code. You'll then implement a Star Wars project using the flutter_blo...Show More
Flutter is an innovative framework that allows developers to create high-quality mobile and web apps. Business logic component (...Show More


State Management

What You'll Learn

Understanding of the BLoC pattern and its application in state management
Ability to test the blocs using the bloc_test library
Familiarity with core widgets of the BLoC library, including BlocProvider, BlocBuilder, BlocSelector, BlockListner, BlocConsumer
Familiarity with streams to handle asynchronous events like user input, system notification, and responses from remote data sources in the BLoC pattern
Familiarity with core components of the RxDart library, including stream classes, extensions, and subjects
Hands-on experience building a tic-tac-toe game using the BLoC library and building a stopwatch using the RxDart library
Understanding of the BLoC pattern and its application in state management

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Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with managing state in Flutter using the BLoC pattern effectively.


Managing States with BLoC Pattern

3 Lessons

Look at managing state with BLoC for improved UI separation and data flow.


Implementing BLoC Pattern

7 Lessons

Examine the implementation of BLoC pattern using Streams, Events, States, and libraries in Flutter.


Flutter BLoC Library Widgets

7 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Bloc and Cubit widgets for streamlined state management in Flutter.


Project #2: Implementing Repository Pattern using BLoC Library

7 Lessons

Follow the process of implementing repository patterns with Cubits in Flutter e-commerce apps.


Flutter BLoC Testing

4 Lessons

Master the steps to testing BLoCs, generating unit tests, and verifying state transitions for accurate behavior.



5 Lessons

Learn how to use RxDart for versatile and efficient state management in Flutter.


Best Practices

2 Lessons

Unpack the core of using BLoC for every screen and keeping BLoCs simple.


What's Next?

2 Lessons

Apply your skills to try new projects and explore other state management libraries in Flutter.



2 Lessons

Take a look at Flutter learning resources and Firebase authentication setup steps.

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