Important Variants

Understand the variants' applications in problem solving.

Stack: depth-first

If we implement the “bag” using a stack, we recover our original depth-first search algorithm. Stacks support insertions (push) and deletions (pop) in O(1)O(1) time each, so the algorithm runs in O(V+E)O(V + E) time. The spanning tree formed by the parent edges is called a depth-first spanning tree. The exact shape of the tree depends on the start vertex and on the order that neighbors are visited inside the loop ()(†), but in general, depth-first spanning trees are long and skinny. We will consider several important properties and applications of depth-first search later.

Queue: breadth-first

If we implement the “bag” using a queue, we get a different graph-traversal algorithm called breadth-first search. Queues support insertions (push) and deletions (pull) in O(1)O(1) time each, so the algorithm runs in O(V+E)O(V + E) time. In this case, the breadth-first spanning tree formed by the parent edges contains the shortest paths from the start vertex ss to every other vertex in its component; we’ll consider the shortest paths in detail later. Again, the exact shape of a breadth-first spanning tree depends on the start vertex and on the order that neighbors are visited in the for loop ()(†), but in general, breadth-first spanning trees are short and bushy.

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