Implementing the Language Model

First, we’ll discuss the hyperparameters that are used for the LSTM and their effects.

Thereafter, we’ll discuss the parameters (weights and biases) required to implement the LSTM. We’ll then discuss how these parameters are used to write the operations taking place within the LSTM. This will be followed by learning how we’ll sequentially feed data to the LSTM. Next, we’ll discuss how to train the model. Finally, we’ll investigate how we can use the learned model to output predictions, which are essentially bigrams that will eventually add up to a meaningful story.

Defining the TextVectorization layer

We discussed the TextVectorization layer. We’ll be using the same text vectorization mechanism to tokenize text. In summary, the TextVectorization layer provides us with a convenient way to integrate text tokenization (i.e., converting strings into a list of tokens that are represented by integer IDs) into the model as a layer.

Here, we’ll define a TextVectorization layer to convert the sequences of n-grams to sequences of integer IDs:

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