Home>Courses>Securing Blazor Applications with Auth0



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Securing Blazor Applications with Auth0

Gain insights into securing Blazor applications with Auth0. Delve into setting up Blazor Server and WebAssembly, integrating Auth0 SDK, adding login functions, and protecting components and APIs.
Gain insights into securing Blazor applications with Auth0. Delve into setting up Blazor Server and WebAssembly, integrating Auth0 SDK, adding login functions, and protecting components and APIs.


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This course includes

33 Lessons
21 Playgrounds
Course Overview
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Course Content

Course Overview

Blazor is a .NET framework that delivers native performance on web clients through C# runtimes and HTML wrapping. Auth0 helps you secure these applications through identity management, authentication, and authorization. This course is a step-by-step guide to securing Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly applications with Auth0. You’ll start with an introduction to Blazor and its two hosting models— server-side and portable WASM binarie. You’ll then explore Auth0, which is an identity and access management ...Show More
Blazor is a .NET framework that delivers native performance on web clients through C# runtimes and HTML wrapping. Auth0 helps yo...Show More


Razor Pages and Views

Authorization and Authentication

What You'll Learn

A working knowledge of the Blazor application architecture for .NET web applications
A strong understanding of server-side and WebAssembly hosting models for Blazor applications
A deep familiarity with the Auth0 authentication and access control platform
The ability to secure Blazor web applications using Auth0 integration
Hands-on experience deploying secure .NET web applications with Auth0 and Blazor
A working knowledge of the Blazor application architecture for .NET web applications

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Course Content


Introduction to Blazor and Auth0

6 Lessons

Get familiar with building secure Blazor applications using Auth0 for streamlined authentication.



1 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of securing Blazor apps with Auth0 authentication and authorization.

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