Zero to Hero in Python for Data Science

Data Science is a highly sought-after and popular skill in today's global market since you can derive significant insights from data. These properties make data analytics one of the most desired career paths in the world today. This Skill Path is the perfect place to start if you don't have a programming background. The Skill Path will comprehensively teach you real-world problem-solving techniques. It will help you write step-by-step solutions. You'll start by covering Python's basic syntax and functionality to create programs. Next, you'll get a detailed overview of some of the most commonly used libraries and tools (NumPy, SciPy, pandas, and seaborn) of Python essential for data science. Finally, you will get hands-on experience visualizing data in various ways using Matplotlib. By the end of this Skill Path, you will be able to process, analyze, and visualize data in Python and start your career in data science.

Zero to Hero in Python for Data Science

38 hours

214 Lessons

Learning Objectives

Familiarity with core components of Python, including syntax, functionality, data types, data structures, and operators.

A working knowledge of how to extract and represent data using Python and reading from and exporting data to different files.

Hands-on experience using Python libraries such as Numpy and pandas for data extraction, cleaning, and processing purposes.

The ability to use Python libraries such as Matplotlib for data visualization after it has been cleaned and processed.

What Our Learners Say

Your method is simple, straight to the point and I can practice with it everywhere, even from my phone, that's something I have never had in other learning platforms.

Felipe Matheus

I highly recommend Educative. The courses are well organized and easy to understand.

Adina Ong

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo
What Our Learners Say

Your method is simple, straight to the point and I can practice with it everywhere, even from my phone, that's something I have never had in other learning platforms.

Felipe Matheus

I highly recommend Educative. The courses are well organized and easy to understand.

Adina Ong

I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode.

Clifford Fajardo