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The what and how of image processing in Python

7 min read
Dec 02, 2024
But first, what is image processing?
Why choose Python for image processing?
Which Python library is best for image processing?
What is Python OpenCV?
How is OpenCV used in image processing?
What are the steps in image processing?
Key techniques in image processing
1. Image segmentation
2. Image colorization
3. Image compression
Which algorithms are used for image processing in Python?
How to process large image datasets in Python for ML
Conclusion: Python is the best for image processing

Remember those old photo albums filled with blurry black-and-white nostalgic pictures? What if you could enhance them to match today’s high-resolution standards? Or those Instagram and Snapchat filters—ever wondered how they detect your face or add cool effects? That’s the magic of image processing. It helps us enhance photos or pull out important details from digital images.

While it might sound simple, working with images has its fair share of challenges. Developers must deal with large files, tweak colors or clarity, and manage different formats—while keeping everything running smoothly and maintaining image quality. As difficult as it is, Python swoops in to save the day with its powerful libraries and simple syntax. With the support of its powerful libraries, Python easily stands out as a top choice for image processing. Read on and see why Python is perfect for image processing.

But first, what is image processing?#

Image processing transforms digital images through specialized algorithms to improve their quality or reveal hidden details. These algorithms drive various applications, from sharpening low-quality photos to detecting faces and moving objects in real time. Today, in fields like health care, image processing algorithms help diagnose conditions from medical scans, while in social media, they are behind every filter and effect.

Image processing in action
Image processing in action
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Image processing in action

Why choose Python for image processing?#

Python stands out as a go-to language for image processing. Why? Mainly because:

  • Ease of use: Python’s syntax is beginner-friendly, simplifying complex tasks.

  • Rich library support: Python has a vast library ecosystem catering to everything from basic to advanced image processing needs.

  • Strong community support: Python has a large and active community that contributes to ongoing improvements and provides extensive resources for troubleshooting.

  • Integration with other tools: Python seamlessly integrates with various languages and other data analysis and machine learning libraries, enabling advanced image processing workflows, model training, and the development of larger systems.

  • Rapid prototyping: Python’s simplicity allows for quick development and testing of image processing algorithms, speeding up the prototyping process.

  • Scalability: Libraries like OpenCV, scikit-image, and TensorFlow support small-scale and large-scale image processing tasks, making Python versatile for various project sizes.

Which Python library is best for image processing?#

Here are some top Python libraries that make image processing a breeze:

  • OpenCV: It is the ultimate go-to toolkit for computer vision. Whether resizing images or building a face recognition system, OpenCV’s got the tools for it.

  • scikit-image: This one’s a go-to for scientific image processing. Perfect for tasks like filtering, segmenting, or analyzing images.

  • Pillow: Lightweight and easy to use, Pillow is great for basic image manipulations—cropping, resizing, you name it.

Tip: NumPy (for array operations), Matplotlib (for visualizations), and TensorFlow (for deep learning magic) are also key players when you’re ready to level up.

With so many options, which Python library stands out as the best?
With so many options, which Python library stands out as the best?

What is Python OpenCV?#

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is a powerful image processing tool. It is free, open-source, and jam-packed with features, so developers use it for everything from basic tweaks to real-time object detection. Whether you want to sharpen an image or track objects in a video, OpenCV has the tool for the job.

Common use cases of OpenCV:

  • Detecting objects in images or video streams.

  • Tracking movements in surveillance videos.

  • Improving image quality by reducing noise or sharpening.

How is OpenCV used in image processing?#

Let’s walk through some common tasks (ranked by complexity) that you can do with OpenCV:

  • Image loading and displaying: OpenCV makes it easy to read and display images. Here is a sample code that illustrates how to do so:

import cv2
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg') # Read an image
cv2.imshow('Image', image) # Display the image
Load and display images with OpenCV
  • Image transformations: Using OpenCV, resize, crop, or rotate images without hassle. Here is an example code that resizes and rotates the image:

import cv2
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg') # Read an image
resized = cv2.resize(image, (300, 300))
rotated = cv2.rotate(image, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
Image transformation with OpenCV
  • Image filtering: OpenCV handles it, whether blurring an image or detecting edgesEdge detection in computer vision referes to identifying edges of objects in an image.. As an example, look at how we use the Gaussian blurring algorithm to soften the image and Canny edge detection to highlight its outlines:

import cv2
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg') # Load an image
blurred_image = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (5, 5), 0) # Apply a blurring algorithm
edges = cv2.Canny(image, 100, 200) # Detect edges
# Show the results
cv2.imshow('Blurred Image', blurred_image)
cv2.imshow('Edges', edges)
Image filtering with OpenCV
  • Feature extraction: You can pull out key features like colors or textures from an image. For example, here we plot the color histogram for each channel (blue, green, red) to show the distribution of colors in the image:

import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg') # Load the image
channels = cv2.split(image) # Split the image into its B, G, and R channels
colors = ('b', 'g', 'r') # Set color names
# Plot histograms for each color channel
for (channel, color) in zip(channels, colors):
histogram = cv2.calcHist([channel], [0], None, [256], [0, 256])
plt.plot(histogram, color=color)
plt.xlim([0, 256]) # Set the limit on x-axis
plt.title('Color Histogram')
Feature extraction with OpenCV
  • Object detection and tracking: OpenCV is also extremely efficient in detecting and tracking objects, particularly in real-time scenarios. In this example, we use OpenCV’s built-in Haar Cascade classifier to detect faces in an image. Here’s how it works step by step:

import cv2
# Load a pretrained face detection model
face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cv2.data.haarcascades + 'haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml')
image = cv2.imread('face.jpg') # Load an image
gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Convert to grayscale
# Detect faces
faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray_image, scaleFactor=1.1, minNeighbors=5, minSize=(30, 30))
# Draw rectangles around the faces
for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
cv2.rectangle(image, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 0), 2)
# Display the output
cv2.imshow('Face Detection', image)
Object detection with OpenCV

What are the steps in image processing?#

Image processing steps generally follow a sequence to transform and analyze images effectively. Here’s a simplified overview:

  1. Image acquisition: Capturing or obtaining an image from a camera or scanner or loading a file from storage.

  2. Preprocessing: Preparing the image by reducing noise, normalizing brightness or contrast, and resizing it to ensure uniformity or scaling.

  3. Image enhancement: Applying techniques like filtering, sharpening, or contrast adjustments to improve the image’s visual quality.

  4. Feature extraction: Identifying and extracting important aspects such as edges, colors, textures, or shapes useful for further analysis.

  5. Image segmentation: Dividing the image into distinct regions or segments to isolate and focus on specific objects or areas of interest.

  6. Object detection: Detecting and recognizing objects or patterns within the segmented areas, then classifying them based on labels or characteristics.

  7. Post-processing: Making refinements to the processed image, such as removing artifacts, enhancing details, or integrating features for better results.

  8. Analysis and interpretation: Analyzing the processed image to extract meaningful information, insights, or data for decision-making.

  9. Display or storage: Visualizing the final processed image for review or saving it for future analysis, sharing, or use in other applications.

Key techniques in image processing#

Several advanced techniques are applied within these steps to achieve specific goals:

1. Image segmentation#

This splits an image into meaningful parts, which is crucial in fields like medical imaging or object detection. You can try image segmentation using scikit-image to see how this works in practice.

2. Image colorization#

Ever seen those cool black-and-white photos turned into full color? That’s colorization, and it’s an amazing tool for photo restoration and enhancement. If you’re curious, you can build a project to colorize your grayscale images using DeOldify and Gradio.

3. Image compression#

Compression is key when you need to shrink image file sizes without losing too much quality—especially if you’re building something for the web. You can dive deep by attempting the image compression through subsampling and interpolation project offered by Educative.

Image processing techniques: Scaling, rotating, flipping, and gray-scaling
Image processing techniques: Scaling, rotating, flipping, and gray-scaling

Which algorithms are used for image processing in Python?#

Let’s dive into some technical stuff for a moment. Here are a few popular algorithms used in Python for image processing:

This might seem a little daunting, but don’t worry; Python libraries, especially OpenCV, make it straightforward to implement these algorithms without deep knowledge of the underlying math.

  • Edge detection: Techniques like Canny or Sobel help highlight the edges in an image, which is great for detecting objects.

  • Segmentation: Algorithms like Watershed or K-Means break an image into segments.

  • Feature detection: SIFT (Scale-invariant feature transform) and SURF (Speeded-up robust features) extract key features from images.

  • CNN: Convolutional neural networks are widely used for object detection and classification.

  • Hough transforms: These detect geometric shapes like lines and circles in the image.

  • Histogram equalization: This enhances image contrast, making it look sharp and balanced, hence more visually appealing.

The OpenCV library readily provides the most powerful algorithms (or their alternatives) available in the OpenCV library, making implementing them in your Python projects!

Here’s one basic example of using the Canny edge detection algorithm with OpenCV:

import cv2
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg', 0)
edges = cv2.Canny(image, 100, 200)
cv2.imshow('Edges', edges)

How to process large image datasets in Python for ML#

Processing large image datasets is a crucial and frequently encountered step in machine learning workflows. Here is a quick guide to hacking around it:

  • Loading datasets: To load and manage your dataset, use libraries like pandas, NumPy, or TensorFlow/Keras.

  • Data augmentation: Techniques like flipping, rotating, and scaling images often help improve the performance of machine learning models by increasing dataset diversity.

  • Preprocessing for ML models: Libraries like NumPy and OpenCV can help manipulate and prepare images for training machine learning models such as CNNs.

Conclusion: Python is the best for image processing#

Image processing is essential in our image-driven world, and Python makes it accessible to developers of all skill levels. With libraries like OpenCV and scikit-image, Python provides powerful tools for everything from basic photo editing to complex machine learning integrations.

Ready to dive deeper? Check out Educative’s exciting projects and see where Python can take your image processing skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key differences between OpenCV, Pillow, and scikit-image?

OpenCV is a comprehensive computer vision library that can efficiently process image, video, and real-time applications. The Pillow library mostly focuses on image manipulation like resizing, cropping, and file format conversion. Lastly, scikit-image is built on top of NumPy and SciPy and is a specialized tool for scientific image processing, focusing on algorithm implementations for segmentation, feature extraction, and filtering.

How can I handle large images efficiently?

How can I optimize image processing tasks for performance?

Can image processing be combined with machine learning?

What is deep learning, and how is it used in image processing?

Written By:
Hamna Waseem
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