Home>Courses>AWS API Gateway: The Unsung Warrior



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AWS API Gateway: The Unsung Warrior

Become an AWS pro by getting hands-on with API Gateway. Developed by AWS Solution Certified Architects, you’ll build secure apps, integrate services, and create a chat app. No setup, no cleanup, no hassle.
Become an AWS pro by getting hands-on with API Gateway. Developed by AWS Solution Certified Architects, you’ll build secure apps, integrate services, and create a chat app. No setup, no cleanup, no hassle.


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This course includes

52 Lessons
4 Cloud Labs
1 Project
1 Assessment
39 Playgrounds
8 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content
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Course Overview

API Gateway is an important component of the AWS serverless stack and has great potential to enable low latency, low-cost, and secure applications. This course takes you through all aspects of the AWS API Gateway and contains ready-to-use code snippets to implement different patterns of serverless API development in AWS. You’ll learn core concepts and get hands-on experience with core API Gateway capabilities. You’ll also dive deep into data mapping and WebSocket APIs and build a fully functional multi-us...Show More
API Gateway is an important component of the AWS serverless stack and has great potential to enable low latency, low-cost, and s...Show More


Using AWS Cloud Services

What You'll Learn

Hands-on experience with core API Gateway capabilities
Understanding intricate configurations of the AWS API Gateway that enable low-cost, low-latency, serverless applications
The ability to integrate AWS API Gateway with AWS services, including Dynamo, S3, Step Functions, Comprehend, and others
Hands-on experience building a fully functional multiuser chat application with WebSocket API
Hands-on experience building a fully functional chat application with a Jokes Bot
Hands-on experience with core API Gateway capabilities

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Course Content


Introduction to API Gateway

7 Lessons

Get familiar with AWS API Gateway, serverless architectures, and transitioning from monolithic systems.


API Gateway: High Level View

10 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of AWS API Gateway, focusing on various API types and integrations.


API Gateway: Basic Configurations

10 Lessons

Explore the configurations for data mapping, authentication, throttling, logging, tracing, caching, and CORS in AWS API Gateway.


Data Mapping Deep Dive

8 Lessons

Break down complex ideas in data mapping using AWS API Gateway's integration capabilities.


Websocket Deep Dive

5 Lessons

Solve problems in WebSocket API Gateway for real-time, cost-efficient app communication.



2 Lessons

Master the steps to effectively use CloudFormation and AWS CLI for AWS resource management.

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