Exercise: SHAP Visualization and Analysis
Learn to plot SHAP Interactions and feature importance, and to reconstruct predicted probabilities from SHAP values.
Exploring feature interactions with SHAP values
In this exercise, you’ll become more familiar with using SHAP values to provide visibility into the workings of a model. First, we’ll take an alternate look at the interaction between Features 3 and 5, and then use SHAP values to calculate feature importances similar to what we did with a random forest model in the chapter “Decision Trees and Random Forests.” Finally, we’ll see how model outputs can be obtained from SHAP values, taking advantage of their additive property:
Given the preliminary steps accomplished in this section already, we can take another look at the interaction between Features 3 and 5, the two most important features of the synthetic dataset. Look at the SHAP values of Feature 5, colored by those of Feature 3:
shap.plots.scatter(shap_values[:,'Feature 5'], color=shap_values[:,'Feature 3'])
The resulting plot should look like this: