Examples of Projects Built with Angular

Get introduced to the different types of projects built with Angular.

Google Grab and Go

By learning Angular, you can build many different types of applications using one framework. For example, you can build a complete web application, such as the Google Grab and Go program, where enterprise companies can manage their usage of Chromebooks.

Google announced the Grab and Go program for Chromebooks, powered by Angular here.


If you ever wanted to build an email client, you can build it in Angular. There is already a project called ProtonMail, which is a full-featured email client developed by scientists and engineers from CERN, written in Angular.

Angular Material

And, of course, there is mobile; through using projects such as Angular Material, you can create Angular applications that are designed to look exactly like native mobile applications (especially if you are building for Android). While Angular will allow you to create a web application that looks and acts like it will run as a native application, Angular doesn’t solve the problem of how to install the project as a native mobile application with the full native support of the phone’s features. That’s where a project like Ionic comes in. As you can see, a developer who knows how to write Angular applications has a lot of variety for the projects they can build.