Suggestions and Considerations

This lesson lists some useful pieces of advice, tips and things a programmer should consider to program efficiently in Go.


Stopping a program in case of error

if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Program stopping with error %v", err)


if err != nil {
  panic("ERROR occurred: " + err.Error())

Performance best practices and advice

  • Use []rune, if possible, instead of strings.
  • Use slices instead of arrays.
  • Use arrays or slices instead of a map where possible.
  • Use a for range over a slice if you only need the value and not the index; this is slightly faster than having to do a slice lookup for every element.
  • When the array is sparse (containing many 0 or nil-values), using a map can result in lower memory consumption.
  • Specify an initial capacity for maps.
  • When defining methods, use a pointer to a type (struct) as a receiver.
  • Use constants or flags to extract constant values from the code.
  • Use caching whenever possible when large amounts of memory are being allocated.
  • Use template caching.

Memory considerations

For long-lived processes, deploy your Go applications on a 64-bit OS. Due to the current nature of the GC, big chunks of memory are pre-allocated, which could bring a long-lived Go process on a 32-bit machine to crash due to memory depletion. Other causes of memory leaks could be:

  • You keep creating goroutines that don’t ever exit.
  • You keep appending to the same persistent slice (or writing to the same bytes.Buffer) and never resetting it.
  • You keep adding items to a persistent map without ever removing them.

Here is a code snippet to monitor memory usage:

memstats = new(runtime.MemStats)
log.Printf("memstats before GC: bytes = %d footprint = %d",
memstats.HeapAlloc, memstats.Sys)

After learning all basic and advanced concepts of programming in Golang, how about making a web application of our own, keeping in view all the concepts and suggestions? The next chapter is about building a complete application.

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