
Get a brief summary of what we've learned in this chapter.

We'll cover the following

Key takeaways

Let's recap the key points we learned in this chapter.

  • In our exploration of the useMemo hook, we initially delved into the concept by understanding potential performance bottlenecks in a general context. By recognizing the need for optimization, we embarked on a journey to comprehend the intricacies of useMemo design.

  • Then we explored the useMemo design and learned line by line how an optimization scheme is constructed to reuse the last value without creating a new one every time.

  • As we progressed, we comprehensively covered various scenarios where reusing a value becomes crucial, elucidated through the lens of a dependency array. This exploration enabled us to appreciate the versatility and power of useMemo in tailoring memoization strategies to specific dependencies.

  • We took useMemo for a spin, and at the end, we saw how it's applied to two classic examples, clicking to search and debouncing the search.

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