Writing a Function Component

Learn about the basics of React components and create dynamic navigation components.

React components and dynamic HTML rendering

The function, representing a component, defines what to update on the screen. It returns a value composed of some HTML-like code. We must be quite familiar with elements such as <ul> and <li>; React also allows the addition of JavaScript expressions within these elements. When used together, it requires the JavaScript expression to be wrapped in a pair of brackets, {}. The job of this expression is to provide dynamic HTML content.

For instance, if we have a text variable and would like to display it, we could do the following:

// Title component with static content
const Title = () => {
const text = "Hello World1";
return <h1>{text}</h1>;

Or, if the text is returned from a function, we can do the following:

const Title = () => {
// Function fn returning "Hello World"
const fn = () => "Hello World";
// Render an h1 element with the result of invoking the function
return <h1>{fn()}</h1>;

We know that this JavaScript expression is filled in the location where the children prop is. The children element does not have to be a single element; it can be an array of elements as well:

const Title = () => {
// Array 'arr' containing elements 'Apple' and 'Orange'
const arr = ['Apple', 'Orange'];
// Render an unordered list with list items for each element in the array
return (
{arr.map((v, index) => (
// Each list item corresponds to an element in the array
<li key={index}>{v}</li>
Rendering a list in React

It seems a bit complicated in the above code, so let’s first look at the result to understand what the code tries to achieve:

// Render an unordered list with specific list items (Apple and Orange)
// Note: Using an array to directly include JSX elements in the list
return (
{[<li>Apple</li>, <li>Orange</li>]}

Basically, it wants to output two li elements. To get there, we create an array containing two elements with a JavaScript expression. Once it becomes a JavaScript expression wrapped in brackets, {}, anything in JavaScript can be refactored and programmed however we want. We can use arr.mapThis function is commonly used to iterate over an array (arr) and create a new array of React elements based on the items in the original array. This is often used to dynamically render components or content based on the data in the ...

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