Code Signing For Android

Learn how to code sign Ionic Android apps.

Code signing an Android application

iOS requires signing certificates and provisioning profiles for development and distribution. Android simply requires an app to be signed only when it’s ready to be published to the Google Play Store.

Prior to releasing for Google Play, we can publish a debug (non-signed) version of the app to your Android device(s) for testing. Compared to the different iOS configuration and set-up requirements, this does make life a lot easier as a developer.

Signing Android applications is quite simple, though, and involves working with either of the following tools:

  • Keystore command-line utility
  • Android Studio

We’ll explore each of the above tools, starting with the command-line-based Keystore utility, a free software tool included with the system JDK, which is used to manage cryptographic keys and trusted certificates.

Code signing an Ionic Cordova app

In the terminal, navigate to the root of app directory and ...