How to create an Azure account

Learn to create an Azure account for free.

Creating your azure account

You can follow the steps mentioned below to create a free Microsoft Azure account. Let’s create a free Azure account that will be used in this course to deploy some services.

  • Visit Azure.
  • Select “Start free”.
  • Sign in with your Microsoft or GitHub account or create a free Microsoft account.
  • On the “About you” page, fill in all the details and select “Next” to continue.
  • On the “Identity verification by phone” screen, select your country code, and type in the number to which you have immediate access.
  • You have the option of text or callback to obtain a verification code. Select the relevant option, type the code in the Verification code box, and select “Verify code”.
  • If the verification code is correct, you’re asked to enter details of a valid credit card. Enter the card information and select “Next”.
  • The last step is to review the agreement and privacy statement, and then select “Sign up.”

Congratulations! You have your free Azure account all made and ready to use.

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