Using the Bing Spell Check API
Learn how to use the spell check feature from Azure Bing Search services.
In this lesson, we’re going to implement the spell checking (spell correction) feature using the Azure Bing Search service. With this functionality, the Bing service could help to correct the spellings of the misspelled text. This could be really helpful while building a full-fledged search engine or building a NLP model where the dataset contains a lot of misspelled words. In such case, Bing Spell check can really help to build more accurate NLP models by correcting the spellings of the text datasets.
Implementation of bing spell check
We’ll again use the Bing Search API calls to implement the spell check functionality. In this example, we’ll provide a misspelled chunk of text and in the output and we’ll observe how the Azure Bing service has provides the indices of the text where the word is misspelled with a confidence score. This confidence score will depict the confidence of Azure Bing service for identifying a word as misspelled and providing a correct word for the same.
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