One Life with Different Aspects
Learn how to balance one life with several aspects.
A real-life story
The struggle to balance work-life
Until a few years ago, I was struggling with my work-life balance. I was waking up as early as five a.m. every day. As soon as I got up, I’d pace into the bathroom, take a quick shower, get dressed as quickly as possible, and jump into my car. In that period, my children barely saw me in the morning. I got to work before most of my team members and I put up the essentials we needed for the day. By the close of work, I would sit in traffic for at least 30 minutes. On getting home, I’d commit some time to family bonding and then work on some files before bed. I thought I had it all figured out until I was facing my doctor behind a desk, and he let me know my lifestyle choice was slowly driving my health to the ground, and ...
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