Performance & Memory Considerations

It's time to see how string_view fares in terms of memory efficiency.

The core idea behind adding string_view into the Standard Library was performance and memory consumption. By leveraging string_view, you can efficiently skip the creation of many temp​orary strings which might boost performance.


string_view is usually implemented as [ptr, len] - one pointer and usually size_t to represent the possible size.

That’s why you should see the size of it as 8 bytes or 16 bytes (depending on whether the architecture is x86 or x64).

If we consider the std::string type, due to common Small String Optimizations, std::string is usually 24 or 32 bytes, so double the size of string_view. If a string is longer than the SSO buffer then std::string allocates memory on the heap. If SSO is not supported (which is rare), then std::string would consist of a pointer to the allocated memory and the size.


string_view has only a subset of string operations, those that don’t modify the referenced character sequence. Functions like find() should offer the same performance as the string counterparts.

On the other hand, substr is just a copy of two elements in string_view, while string will perform a copy of a memory range. The complexity is O(1) vs O(n). That’s why if you need to split a larger string and work with those splices, the string_view implementation should offer better speed.

Let’s look at strings in constant expressions.

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