



What are the rules and terminologies needed to run algorithms? Let's find out.

To use the algorithms, we have to keep a few rules in our mind.


The algorithms are defined in various headers:

Names Description
<algorithm> Contains the general algorithms.
<numeric> Contains numeric algorithms.
<functional> Predefined function objects and function adapters.

Name Conventions

Many of the algorithms have the name suffix _if and _copy.

Names Description
_if The algorithm can be parametrized by a predicate.
_copy The algorithm copies its elements in another range.

Algorithms like auto num = std::count(InpIt first, InpIt last, const T& val) return the number of elements that are equal to val in the given range [first, last). num is of type iterator_traits<InpIt>::difference_type. This means we have the guarantee that num is sufficient to hold the result, and because of the automatic return type deduction with auto, the compiler will give us the right types.

🔑 If the container uses an additional range, it has to be valid
The algorithm std::copy_if uses an iterator for the beginning of its destination range. This destination range has to be valid.

ℹ️ Naming conventions for the algorithms
We use a few naming conventions for the type of arguments and the return type of the algorithms to make them easier to read.

Name Description
InIt [Input iterator]
FwdIt [Forward iterator]
BiIt [Bidirectional iterator]
UnFunc [Unary callable]
BiFunc [Binary callable]
UnPre [Unary predicate]
BiPre [Binary predicate]
Search The searcher encapsulates the search algorithm.
ValType From the input range automatically deduced value type.
ExePol [Execution policy]

Signature of the algorithms

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