

Higher-Order Observables

Higher-Order Observables

Learn how to use higher-order observables in Angular, emphasizing the switchMap and mergeMap operators.

Observables that operate on other observables of observables are called higher-order observables. Higher-order observables have an inner observable that contains the actual values we are interested in using. We can use specific RxJS operators to flatten the inner observable and extract its values. The most used flattened operators in Angular development are the switchMap and mergeMap operators.

The switchMap operator

The switchMap operator takes an observable as a source and applies a given function to each item, returning an inner observable for each one. The operator returns an output observable with values emitted from each inner observable. As soon as an inner observable emits a new value, the output observable stops receiving values from the other inner observables.

We will now investigate how switchMap is usually used in Angular applications. Recall the ProductsService and ProductViewService classes studied previously. We will now convert them to use observables instead of plain arrays and learn how to combine them using the switchMap operator.

Note: In this chapter, we will work with the product list and product view components for simplicity and repeatability. However, the products module also contains other components and services that must be modified to reflect the use of observables in the codebase. The source code section has been trimmed down to compile successfully without those components and services.

  1. Open the products.service.ts file and import the of and Observable artifacts from the rxjs npm package:

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