Working with Pipes in Angular

Learn how to work with different types of pipes in an Angular application.

Examples of built-in pipes

We can now start learning about the various Angular built-in pipes:

The uppercase/lowercase pipes

They transform a string into a particular case. Experiment with the following snippet in the product-list.component.html file to display the product name in uppercase and lowercase letters, respectively:

Press + to interact
{{ | uppercase}}
{{ | lowercase}}

The percent pipe

This formats a number as a percentage. For example, the output of the following code will be 12%.

Press + to interact

The currency pipe

This formats a number as a local currency. We can override local settings and change the symbol of the currency, passing the currency code as a parameter to the pipe. Open the product-detail.component.html file and add the following element after the product name to display the price of the selected ...

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