S3 Object Storage Classes

Explore the different object storage classes offered by S3 and their use cases.

S3 is a highly economical object storage service used for a wide variety of purposes, from website hosting, and backups to data lakes and analytics. These use cases vary in the access frequency and required latency. Using the same bucket for all use cases is not only expensive but unfeasible.

Amazon S3 storage classes offer a range of options to optimize costs, performance, and durability based on the specific needs of different data types and access patterns. These storage classes can be broadly categorized among general purposes, unknown and changing access, high performance, infrequent access, and archival purposes.

Lets learn how S3 helps us to deal with multiple use cases.

Amazon S3 Standard

S3 Standard is a general-purpose storage class suitable for frequently accessed data that requires low latency and high throughput. It offers high durability, availability, and performance, making it ideal for a wide range of use cases, including website content, mobile applications, and data analytics.

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