If we don’t already have these applications installed, we have two options to install them. The first option is to keep our local system clean of additional applications by using a Docker container with all of the applications already installed or to find and install them ourselves.

If you are going to follow along and you are on Windows, we recommend the first option. Regardless of which option you choose, you will also need an AWS account. Visit the AWS website to create a free account. Let’s check both options.

Installing every tool into a Docker container

This is the easier route to take, and it also keeps your local system clean of any applications you are not likely to use again. This option compiles a Docker container called deploytools, which is then made available with a shell command alias.

To start we need to either be using macOS or Linux or be able to open a Powershell in Windows. A non-Powershell command prompt in Windows will not work.

To start, go into deployment/setup-tools in your Terminal or Powershell window.

You will now need to execute the right script for your OS. Linux and macOS users should run the following command:

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