Coding APIs with Node.js and DARRT

Learn how to code APIs with Node.js and DARRT.

What is DARRT?

In this lesson, we’ll do a short walkthrough of the build process called DARRT. We’ll use it to build working APIs from our design documents with Node.js. DARRT is a process for building code from design documents. We’ve created the DARRT framework as a teaching tool and as a quick way to start lightweight microservice and API projects. The version we’ll use here is a downsized edition. This version is not a production-ready implementation. We took lots of shortcuts and left out complicated error-handling code to make sure the routines are easy to read and modify for these lessons. Even though this framework is not recommended for production use, you can take the lessons you learn here and apply them to any framework or programming language you and your team are using.

By relying on a consistent process for building APIs, we can get things done quickly and easily and focus on the work of accurately translating the design into code. And by using the same process more than once, we can get more skilled at the work and even learn how to modify the process to better fit our needs in the future.

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