Feature #1: Suggest Items for Free Delivery
Implementing the "Suggest Items for Free Delivery" feature for our "Amazon" project.
For the first feature, we want to suggest products customers can buy to make their orders eligible for free delivery. The minimum order amount to qualify for free shipping varies by customer location. When a customer views their cart and the current total does not qualify for free shipping, we want to show them a pair of products that can be bought together to make the total amount equal to the amount required to be eligible for free delivery. We can assume that it was a corporate decision to show a pair of products instead of a single product. Historical data collected by our team shows that customers are more willing to buy multiple products as it gives the illusion of a better deal. Also, the UX team says that only two items should be displayed given the screen space for this feature.
To implement this feature, we will have access to a list of products that the customer is likely to buy. These products will include the items from their wishlist and other items based on previous purchases. We will also be given the amount, , that the customer needs to spend in addition to the current total: .
Let’s say we are given a list of numbers containing the prices of products that a customer is likely to buy, [2, 30, 56, 34, 55, 10, 11, 20, 15, 60, 45, 39, 51]
. In addition, the amount that needs to be spent to claim the free delivery offer is 61
dollars. Then, we can see that the sum of 10
and 51
is 61
. Therefore, we will suggest the customer buys these products. Our program should return the indices of these products in an array such as: [5, 12]
We can assume that the list contains at least one pair of products to suggest. If there is more than one pair, we can suggest any of them.
The following illustration shows how products are mapped to prices for the example we are discussing. The prices have been rounded off for simplicity.