Career Progression Troubleshooting

Learn how to improve the career progression framework you have already created.

Even if you define detailed career tracks for both ICs and managers, people will still find lots of bugs. You might even be experiencing some of them yourself as a new manager. Let’s do some debugging and see if we can find some answers to common questions.

Isn’t a manager on both tracks?

If you’re a manager, you might be thinking, “Hang on, aren’t I on both tracks? I code as well!” It’s a good question. There are plenty of managers that are still able to produce high-impact code contributions as well as manage a team of engineers.

However, the track that you’re on defines your primary function. If you’re on the management track and are still able to produce a lot of code without putting your managerial responsibilities at risk, that’s fantastic. However, if you’re on the management track and you are coding to the detriment of your managerial responsibilities, you need to rethink how you’re spending your time.

As you’ll have seen in this course, becoming an effective manager takes a lot of practice. If you excel and are a natural manager, you may find yourself able to free up more time for your own code contributions. However, you should make sure that you’re performing well as a manager first. Your team needs you to do your job.

What if I don’t like management after I try it?

Since we’ve defined that the IC track is different from the management track, and hence that they’re different jobs, we can better understand why engineers are hesitant to make the leap into management. What if they do so and don’t like it after all? Do they become stuck and have to leave the company if they don’t like it?

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