Optimal Account Balancing

Try to solve the Optimal Account Balancing problem.


Given a list of transactions, where each transaction is represented as transactions[i]=[fromi, toi, amounti]transactions[i] = [from_i,~ to_i,~amount_i], indicating that the person fromifrom_i gave amountiamount_i to the person toito_i. Return the minimum number of transactions needed to settle all debts.


  • 1≤1\leq transactions.length ≤10\leq10

  • transactions[i].length ==3==3

  • 0≤0 \leq fromi, toi ≤10\leq10

  • 1≤1\leq amounti ≤100\leq100

  • fromi ≠\neq toi


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