Class Diagram for the ATM System

Learn to create a class diagram for the ATM design using the bottom-up approach.

In this lesson, we’ll design the classes and then identify the relationship between classes according to the requirements for the ATM design problem.

Components of the ATM system

As mentioned earlier, we’ll design the class diagram for the ATM using a bottom-up approach.


The User class represents a user with an ATM card and a bank account.

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The User class
The User class

ATM card

The ATMCard class is identified by the card number, customer name, expiration date, and the user's PIN.

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The ATMCard class
The ATMCard class

Bank account

BankAccount is a parent class with two types: SavingAccount and CurrentAccount. These classes are derived from the BankAccount class. This class stores the account number, total balance, and the user's available balance.

  • SavingAccount: This derived class represents a saving account with a withdrawal limit.

  • CurrentAccount: This derived class represents a current/checking account with a withdrawal limit.

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BankAccount and its derived classes
BankAccount and its derived classes


The Bank class represents a bank with a name and a bank code. A bank may or may not have an ATM.

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The Bank class
The Bank class

Card reader, cash dispenser, keypad, screen, and printer

CardReader: This class accepts or rejects a card.

CashDispenser: This class provides the required amount specified by the user in cash.

Keypad: This class allows the user to enter the PIN.

Screen: This class represents a screen that displays information upon insertion of the card.


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